2 trusted sites to make money from download sites

Best sites that pay for file danwloads

Make money by downloading music

earn money by downloading and sharing files or files Check out the best sites that pay for downloads of { music, games, applications, videos, ebooks, books, movies, etc} learn how to earn money by downloading or earn money by uploading files.

Read too: Tips for earning with donwload

Here we only disclose the best options sites tested and approved who pay Therefore, they are on the list because they are more profitable, reliable, work and pay on time:

CPD Affiliate Programs

They are sites that store files for free and pay a certain amount per download made on the platform. They make money by displaying ads in this process:

2 best sites that pay the most are first:

See the list here

Tip and Strategy

Using these sites with the monetized link shorteners could be another additional extra income ie. Just grab the download link from file-upload or another, and shorten it with the ouo.io . Thus, it would be an extra gain when the visitor downloads a file

Read More: Tips to make money by downloading


note: It is forbidden to upload any porn file.


So friends these are the top best PPD sites to make money from home. All these 5 sites are legal and 100% genuine and tested by me and my few friends on Facebook, who pay you in full for the genuine download. Upload any type of file on top of given websites and get paid easily if your own a website. If you have any website or blog then you can make more money using these PPD networks on your website/blogs.

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