Como ganhar dinheiro com youtube em Moçambique 2024

Looking for ways to earn with youtube in mozambique? Stick around and learn the best ways to monetize your youtube channel…

Today I bring you tips to make money with youtube in mozambique and in the world using different ways.

How to make money being a youtuber?

Undoubtedly. Making money on YouTube takes creativity, grit, and the ability to easily generate unique video content that people want to see.

That said, if you want to make money on YouTube, here are the many successful ways or paths that have generated a lot of income for many YouTube video experts:

Youtube Adsense

While it is quite profitable for those who have a large channel, the new guidelines implemented by youtube in 2018 to request monetization (and have ads linked in their videos) make it more difficult for small channel youtubers to achieve the necessary monetization scale. Please note that if you have a large channel ie that meets the new guidelines where Content creators must have accounted for 4,000 hours of total watch time on their channels in the last 12 months and have at least 1,000 subscribers, of course it will be accepted by the adsense youtuber, it only takes beginner youtubers in search of various income alternatives for YouTube presented below.

Best Networks for Small YouTubers:

If you don't have necessary requirements to be approved by youtube Adsense. You can still earn money in several ways Join the network:

Freedom Network → the best network easy to join. great alternative to youtube adsense for small channels and for any niche that currently pays the most, it has generated high profits for several youtubers.

Link Shorteners:

Currently using one of the shorteners below to make money on youtube by sharing short links in the descriptions of the videos and thus earning money for each click has been one of the most profitable options:

AdFly → the best site to earn money by sharing links on youtube, is currently one of the shorteners that pays the most per 1000 visits from everyone.

AdFly → Create Your Account

Don't Miss: » Top: shortlisted ones that pay the most

Earn by reselling infroproducts:

Some YouTube video producers earn good money selling digital products on their channel, but this way of earning hasn't been easy, because selling infoproducts on YouTube doesn't happen overnight. First you need to build an audience strong enough to keep your video business in the green through selling.

Check it out: Best infoproduct platforms

Business Sponsorships

Companies like to draw eyes to their brands and to their products and services. So, many companies sponsor so-called “influencers” to create YouTube videos that promote their products and pay the influencer for it. The hurdle to YouTube sponsorships is this: companies only want to work with influencers with a wide range of followers or subscribers. Newbie YouTube video producers will likely not qualify for sponsorships until their videos start to attract 10,000 or more user engagements or views.


Undoubtedly. YouTube is one of the best platforms that gives you a space to showcase your talent in addition to earning money doing what you love most… For large channels there are thousands of ways to monetize. More if you have a small channel use freedom Network, AdFly and the sale of infoproducts are the best options note that you can still use all monetization programs on all videos and thus profit more from your channel