Want to make money on tumblr with advertising, place ads on tumblr or monetize your blog or website? Check out a complete tutorial, where you will learn how to create a blog on Tumblr, post, how to choose a custom template and how to monetize to make money from advertising.
Read More: Best sites to make money using social media
for now let's get to the important thing!! ..The Tutorial.
how to create a tumblr blog
First I want to clarify the following, a blog on Tumblr is similar to the social network Facebook, because it is possible to get followers, so the more followers you have, the more chances of earning money you have. You can use the
You can say that Tumblr is as a sum of Facebook as Blogger, so I said before adding to the fact that it is a blog entirely, because you can post images, text, gif, videos and different content more according to your style. interest or niche.
-To register Tumblr have “Access here” then fill in the registration form
The name of the blog chosen must be according to the niche (of what will be your blog) that you used, for example, you cannot choose the name of La Diva hot and try your Blog religion
Once this is done you give in “Register” and it will just be the account confirmation, they will send an email to the email address you have chosen to sign up in which you indicate that you press a link to activate your account.
In the next section, I teach you a safer and more reliable way to make money from your blog.
How to make money with tumblr blog
Well there are several ways to monetize your blog more with advertising or advertisements.
One of the best sites to earn money with a blog is top affiliate it's the PopCash see one of the examples of how to add a Tumblr ad:
First you must register on PopCash company pays us for every impression popunder users visit our blog,
Then sign up"access here“.
Once registered you add your blog to PopCash (above you leave the link for information on how it is done) remember that it takes 24 hours to approve your Blog / Web
When approved your blog copy the code they give you and you come back to the dashboard to edit the topic on Tumblr and give where to "Edit HTML".
1.Press”Control f”(on our computer keyboard) and that bar where we write appears.
2.-brightness on the extensive code word that we want(). image used to guide the marking with the number 2.
Just before that, here's the code that gave us PopCash.
Finally we press “Preview” and then the “Save” button will appear.
And with that we would have finished creating, modifying and monetizing our blog, from now on you will only add content, follow the people who follow us and see our publications and, thus, earn money.
How to post articles on Tumblr
Is it true that you should think about creating articles that generate more traffic Well, just go to the beginning of Blogger, clicking on the little house that appears in the upper right corner, after that you can start posting.
Now you click on Image(orange camera) to add some images.
Add the photo you want to upload, maximum up to 5 photos at a time, but rarely better than 1 to 1 unless related photos like a cartoon.
You put a saying or example sentence, I put it "he is wise to know of us."
To finish…
I admit that the tutorial is very long, but I tried to explain it as best as possible to leave as few doubts as possible, do you want to know how much you can earn with tumblr?. In fact it all depends on your effort the top affiliate and PopCash can earn you more money if you use a good strategy.
That's it my friend, I hope you liked it. sign up. on the blog to stay on top of everything that goes on here. If you liked this article, don't forget to share it on social networks using the buttons below. If you have an experience or have any questions, comment below.