How to make money with link redirection

Today I bring you a review on what is link redirection and how to make money with it so know.

what is link redirection and how does it work?

whatlink redirector also called link shortener is a way to reduce any long url into a shorter or personalized one, depending on the finality of each one there are 2 types of link redirection.:

pay link redirection

Most used on download sites. They are those that reward their users or allow earnings for their affiliates or members, paying their users in exchange for advertising on their shortened url, that is, you create your account, reduce any url and share it on facebook, blogger, wordpress, whatssap, google plus in online forms and each access your link receives you will be paid normally they pay $1 to U$ 18 dollars per 1000 clicks depending on the type of advertising displayed and the country of the visitor.

Make money with the best link redirects:

How to bypass link redirector?

There are currently many tips and tricks to bypass link redirectors using google chrome, mozilla, firofox, etc.

Free link redirection

They are those that are used to shorten your url to make them more personalized, beautiful and attractive but not for profit, that is, you will not earn money for it. The most popular are:,, and some wordpress plugins that allow you to create your own free link protector. In general, they are the most used in digital marketing.


Link redirects are a great option for make money online because you don't need to invest. And they are also recommended to use to leave personalized links, make our url shorter, attractive and generate more sales