Today I bring you a detailed review of PopMyAds where you will know if it pays, how it works, is it reliable and how to make money with PopMyAds.
PopMyAds what is it?
Pop MyAds is a site specializing in pouunder known for good rates you get paid for every thousand impressions of quality ads and showing little intrusiveness. I'm talking about Pop My Ads.
How does PopMyAds really work?
This page is very similar to those already described PopAdsand PopCash, both in design and performance, however, at the time I've been using it; You could say they display less intrusive ads than showing the first one and you can earn more than what you get with the second one if you choose the RAW option to be discussed later.
For all of the above, PopMy Ads deserves an in-depth analysis, because despite being less known and having less time online than the two pages above, it still proves to be a reliable page to monetize our websites.
How to make money with PopMyAds?
PopMyAds helps us to monetize our blog or website, you simply have to correctly install the code on our website.
STEP 1: first, you will register on the official website on here, you have to fill in the data in the blanks and click on the Register button, then start the session and will access our control panel..
STEP 2: Now we have to add our website, there can be several, so this section will enter “new website”
you will be shown a small form where you must write the name of our web / blog,URL, choose a category for our content, place 5 more keywords and comma stops, and activate the Adult Content button, if our website has that kind of content. Finally website will press Submit button.
The time it normally takes to approve our website is 24 hours
STEP 3: Once you have passed us our website, you will go to the Code Generator section, select our website and choose unique visitors (24 hours) if we want the ads to be displayed only once for each visitor every 24 hours or Raw traffic if it stops display 5 times or more until display ads run out, obviously the option that generate the most profit will be second, however; showing only one ad per IP could help us not to lose traffic, that the choice I leave for you.
Finally, let's press the Generate code button, and we'll get a code to copy and paste between oetags of your blog or website. Sometimes it normally takes a few minutes for ads to show once they start making money.
PopMyAds Tools
We will also have other sections that may be useful:
*.Panel, here we have an overview of our earnings and statistics.
*.static , here we can review our daily earnings, filtering the days to have a better control of our progress.
*.Billing, here we will access when you want to collect.
Collecting in PopMyAds
When we reach at least US $ 5 dollars, and what we charge to make you join the Billing section on the left menu, and select the Withdraw option.
Then select a payment method, write a credit and finally click on the Withdraw button.
It is very important to have previously set up our PayPal account, if you have not already done so, we do this in the Account Settings section.
Conclusions and recommendations
PopMyAds is without a doubt a very good option to monetize our websites, I'm about to get my first payment, the truth has been very satisfied with the results.
What I like the most is the choice to show multiple ads or just one ad for every 24 hours of visitors, which is very useful.
This advertising platform has more users and has been proven to be reliable and pays on time.
Until the next post review.
To sign up for free at PopMyAdsyou can press the button on the side or click below: SUBSCRIBE HERE POPMYADS
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