Estrátegia: ganhar dinheiro com sites e blogs de downloads 2024

See how to make money from downloads, downloading, sharing or uploading files, a simple and free task to earn extra income or money online.

Every time someone clicks on your link to download the files, music, movie, apps, movie or games{games} and you get a commission.
If you get multiple downloads of the same file, profits will skyrocket. Well, this kind of work is really for earning extra money. Let's get to what interests us:

What kind of file can be uploaded?

You need to upload files to get the maximum attention of your visitors, like photos, videos, movies, music, TV shows and all kinds of files that you think will be a hit and that are easy to download.
Although most commonly used file formats are accepted, do not upload pornographic files
The basic point is that you have to upload only files that are interesting for visitors to download. For such You need to customize the download page to make it look attractive.

How to get started?

1- Create an account on any of the sites that pay to download files. Here is the list of the best, most reliable, popular and most profitable that we are using:

1 •file-upload

two • Up-4ever

3 •uploadocean

Make Money From Download Websites Or Blogs: How Does It Work?

to start earning is very simple
The normal method is for users to access the download page, click “Download”, then visitors are required to fill out a survey (which can take 30 seconds. For a couple of minutes), after this visitors gain access. to the file.

How to earn more?

Yes. You can earn more and You can do this by sharing links on sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, forums and torrent sites. Look for free forums where you are allowed to post links to your content.


All sites that host files provide a wealth of statistical information about files and folders.

How to make money from file downloads: how much do you pay?

You get paid about US $ 1 to US $ 60 for 1000 file downloads downloaded. The larger the file size, the more money you earn. Any file larger than 100MB will bring in about US $ 2 per download.
This opportunity is international and you can upload files to get money from any country in the world. The amount of money depends on the country in which the download is made. You get more visitors to download files from English speaking countries.

Tips and Strategies

Tricks to make more money by uploading

After you complete your registration on the sites indicated above. making an account and uploading the file now it's time to earn money from sharing your files. I'm going to tell you some ways you can make a lot of money, the first method I'm going to tell you is social media.

Social media:

You can share your ebook link on your page or many groups where people are interested in this kind of thing then surely they will download the book but before downloading they have to fill a small survey which hardly takes 5 minutes to complete and upon completion of the survey they will receive the ebook and you will get your money.
The second way is to make a blog.


You can also make a blog for you to promote your ebook or anything so your visitor can download you get a commission.
Third method I am using Youtube.


channel where you are going to share your url of your file. Make a video about the file and upload it to your YouTube channel and paste the url in the description for people to download the file.
This is how you can make money in your sleep. Ebook is just an example, you can upload many files.

How much money can you earn?

You can earn huge money because the payout rates are high where you will get US $ 1 to US $ 60 per download depending on the location of the person who downloaded your file. US, Canada, UK, Australia, and Europe have the highest payout rates.

best sites that pay per download