Startup of the Day: Human Body Heat for Cryptocurrency Mining

Human body heat is a source for cryptocurrency extraction, how do you like it start of the day? Two months ago, we were going to order a treadmill for the office and happily joked that we were going to sync it with a runaway crypto mining farm. As a result, laziness won – we now have a fancy massage chair. But it's not mine. Unlike the new invention by Dutch scientists at the Institute of Human Aging (Institute of Human Obsolescence). They went deep in every way, combining the human desire for idleness with a thirst for money and high technology.

In case you didn't already know, your body is capable of releasing 100 watts of heat to the world while you're lying there doing nothing. The natural source of energy, which literally everyone has, became the subject of research at the Human Warmth Institute in the Netherlands. Scientists have discovered a way to store body heat into electricity using a special suit. And the resulting energy can be used to mine cryptocurrencies.

The suit was tested last year. The invention ran for over 200 hours and was tested on 37 volunteers who managed to accumulate 127,000 milliwatts of electricity. In tokens, there are 16,59,000 coins.

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Startup of the day – will biomining kill us or develop us as a species?

The institute officially claims that its new development, a suit with built-in thermoelectric generators, is capable of generating energy from the temperature difference between the human body and the environment. scientists found a way to transfer this energy to a computer and thus produce cryptocurrencies without the need to use classical “wired” electricity.

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It is likely that in the near future, if the Institute has a talented sales manager, power generation companies will start losing their profitable “crypto-farmer” customers. And, if you have a rich enough imagination, you can imagine that this invention could become a step in the history of the new financial system towards ecological mining and the end of the human species, as we now love and appreciate it.

Startup of the day can take the bread of people like us

Team https://portalderendaextra/ is referring to earning resources like this blog. Probably in the future we will be useless, because people will have a reliable source of income – their own body.

startup of the day - mining caseJust imagine: our children's kids won't waste time downloading bitcoin faucets to their phones. They don't even have to press a button every 15 minutes. As for other ways to make money on the Internet – they will become obsolete. Naturally.

Why sit in front of a computer and find out where the money scam is and where the income is? Imagine the prospect: go to bed and, upon waking, receive a certain amount that you have mined overnight?

Laziness is the engine of progress – but are we aware of its consequences for humans as a biological species?

Imagine the mass production of costumes, the distribution of cryptographic suits to people in starving countries… Or the other side of the coin is a black market awash with people selling the last thing they have. Your body heat. 20th century science fiction writers no longer seem like utopian dreamers.

Are the keys to the Matrix plot starting to hatch in our reality? It's hard to say what this invention will be like for all of us. At some point, the suit can become a power source for household needs. When we can no longer use electricity, for example. There is another possibility that the suit is not widely used.

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ForOf course, the future, where machines will be mining with the help of people, is still far away. But since the beginning of the project, scientists in the Netherlands have mined more than 16,500 currency units, including vertcoins, dashes, etherium, as well as startcoins, liskis and litecoins.

The UNIAN news agency refers to the website of the Institute of Human Aging as a reliable source for data on the new invention.

What do you think about this? How do you think bodysuits can change the lives of future generations?

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