Ideias para encontrar um patrocinador para um negócio 2024

Many successful entrepreneurs, owners of their own brands, started by investing in themselves and in their idea. Furthermore, this investment was initially free of charge from interested sponsors. But how to find these rich patrons. Where to look for sponsorship? We'll talk about that in the article.

Where to find a sponsor: where to start

First of all, you need to understand that sponsorship – something not ephemeral. In Silicon Valley, for example, everything is geared towards successful startups. Young minds champion their ideas, create cool presentations and receive funding to implement them. This is not a fairy tale at all. And for your project, this situation can become quite real.

To start, remember that sponsor search is an advertising campaign for your project. In other words, your task is to attract interest. Which? Those who could potentially be interested in investing their capital in your idea. Sponsorship is not volunteering. Naturally, any philanthropist wants a concrete understanding of their profits. That is, if he invests, then he needs dates and numbers.

How to prepare a marketing and strategic plan without skills in this business? In other words, here you are and your idea. At this stage, that's all. First, familiarize yourself with the information on the Internet. Buy a book about launching projects from several successful people. Take advantage of the advice of those who have walked your path from beginning to end. financial success project.

Also, define your target audience. And from this audience and choose sponsor. In the initial phase, even your friend can invest in the project. Or, what is also quite common – the manager in the current job.

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Where do you come from – and here you are, some investors who are ready to invest in a successful idea. Therefore, being in Russia, it is a little more difficult to look for a sponsor. But believe me, if there is desire, there will be a rich ally.

What is sponsorship?

find a sponsor

Now you can hear two modern variations investments to projects. Fundraising and crowdfunding. Both branches are key concepts in how to find a sponsor. Commercially profitable and with a complete strategic plan for better profit.

Why find out? The fact is that the search for sponsorship may not be limited to a specific person. In other words, if you have a startup, first assess your progress. On behalf of the company you will do this or is it your personal initiative. Furthermore, investment size, that will be ideal. Objectives and essence of the project. So a preliminary educational program definitely doesn't hurt.

  • Fundraising. This is an activity that combines several fundraising activities. As a rule, it is used by existing companies with their own website, knowing the market.
  • Collaborative funding. It usually occupies a niche of fundraising through mass communication. As a rule, there is no way to support websites, commercial advertising tasks. In other words, it is a search for money through special platforms, which already have their own worked system for such purposes. Usually those creative project startups, charity projects use this method.

How to find a sponsor: personal meeting

find a sponsor

Imagine a situation where you have defined the target audience for your event. The next step is to find potential candidates who will invest in your project. Now we need an advertising campaign. Because working with a sponsor is nothing more than attracting their interest to “buy” your project. Invest your capital in it. So, in order:

  • compose first postcard. The one that will contain the most information at the least cost. In other words, the principle – brevity – the sister of talent, definitely works here. Don't forget that people who have money aren't big fans of reading miles of text about the importance the artistic component of your idea. Believe me, a few words about the benefits of the case, two sentences describing the concept. In addition, a list of activities for implementing capital. The last point is profit and time. All. The rest is already the defense of your idea in a personal meeting.
  • Distribution control. After sending the letter, you should definitely not relax. This is just the first step to attracting investment in the project. Then your task is to call and control the situation with questions. Have you seen his presentation? How long will it take to resolve?
  • personal meeting. If you did, however, manage to reach an audience, be prepared for questions. The sponsor will ask them. You must clearly articulate your position. calm and confident talk about project goals and implementation methods. At the same time, be very proactive and open. A smile is the best weapon, remember that.
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What to do if the sponsor refuses: alternative methods?

find a sponsor

If the meeting was held but did not end with the desired outcome. Or it doesn't smell like negotiations, so don't despair.

Think about the look of your project – in short. And work as much as possible in that direction.
you can participate life of potential sponsors. For example, congratulate them on holidays or go to all company events. It's important that your face shines in the right places at all times. Participate in events where desired company. Or a specific patron. Also, visit those events where there may be potential candidates for commercial support. your initiative.

Make sure that all result-oriented actions will bear fruit. The only important thing is not to give up and burn with your work. Then there will be someone who will believe in you and support you. Financiallyin the first place.