10 Passos para encontrar o emprego dos seus sonhos em 2024

Steps to find your dream job! Probably every person wants to go to work as if it were a holiday and look forward to Monday. Fiction? For those who have found a dream job, not at all. Do you want to be among them? Follow 10 simple steps to find your favorite activity and become truly happy.

Work is not a wolf

Unfortunately, there are few people who really love their work. Few people from childhood know who they want to be and are steadily moving towards the goal. Don't blame yourself if you're already 25, 35, 45 and are just now starting to look for what you love to do.

Unfortunately, parents and social norms often put pressure on high school students. And they choose not what they would really like to do, but what they are advised to do or what is prestigious.

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It may be that you still don't know what your calling is. Then you will have an exciting journey in which you will explore yourself and your tastes. The process of finding your favorite activity can take several years, but it's worth it. Having decided on the direction, you will only need to come up with a plan to achieve the goal, and the goal itself will already be in front of you.

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Find your dream job – All jobs are good

Under the dream job, different people can mean diametrically opposite types and conditions of activity:

  • someone wants to find a way to work in a spare time;
  • another wants to be part of a global corporation;
  • the third prefers to be his own boss;
  • and the fourth wants to engage in creativity, which would also bring income.

Of course, for each of these cases, the way to find a dream job will be different. But you can also highlight commonalities that will be the same for all dreamers.

The following 10 steps will help you succeed if you have patience and perseverance. The process of going through all the steps can take anywhere from a few weeks to several years. Everything is very individual and depends on the starting data and, of course, luck.

Clearly define for ourselves who we want to be

The search for your dream job starts with formulating your desires. Describe the companies you want to work for. Will it be a small or large company? Russian or Western? You decide.

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Maybe you dream of starting your own business. Draw a clear picture from which you will build.

We analyze what we have. What skills have we already acquired and what do we lack?

Conduct an audit of your own practical skills and knowledge.

Don't be modest and mention even minor skills in your opinion.

We monitor the market

Check out the job posting website and try to find jobs you would like to fill. Read the requirements carefully and soberly assess your skills.

What are you missing? Language skills or experience? How about getting a degree?

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Acquiring the missing knowledge

Now it's up to you to get what you lack.

Here you can expect the best disappointment that can only happen when changing activities. Starting a career from scratch, you are likely to face the fact that at the beginning you will have to work for a low salary.

Unfortunately, that's the price you pay for the experience it takes to find a really attractive position. You should consider this point in advance and prepare a financial airbag.

In addition to experience, you can also acquire theoretical and practical knowledge by taking courses and seminars, visiting thematic forums and meeting representatives of the area in which you want to work.

The more you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the desired activity, the better. Gradually, you will begin to acquire connections and acquaintances who will serve you well in the future.

We started following dream companies on social media, following the latest vacancies and news in the area of interest.

Subscribe to dream business accounts on social media. You can not only follow the news and understand the peculiarities of the market, but also receive mailings with new vacancies. Even if you are not yet ready to take on one of the roles, it is possible to find out what the company is looking for in future employees and what values it adheres to.

The first five tips were focused on preparation, the second part involves taking active steps to land a dream job.

Compiling a CV

Write a detailed CV listing your strengths, experience and practical knowledge.

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Read on the Internet for information on how to submit perks on a CV – this is not as obvious as it seems at first glance

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we go to interviews

After you've learned a lot and put together a killer resume, start going on interviews.

At first, they may be vacancies that you do not consider ideal. In the beginning, it is important to gain experience in demonstrating yourself and selling your skills. So go for interviews whenever you're invited.

Learning to accept rejection

This item is mandatory. You are unlikely to get everything right away. And it is natural that in some (and perhaps many) places you are denied.

Our advice on how to land your dream job is to analyze mistakes and ask for feedback from HR managers, but don't beat yourself up for screwing things up. Learning to accept rejection is an important, albeit frustrating, step in learning. Pass with dignity.

We stock up on perseverance

If you get not one, but several rejections in a row, your enthusiasm can drop significantly. This is where perseverance comes in handy. Want to reveal a secret? More often than not, it's not the talented who succeed, but the assertive ones. Be like that. Don't give up if things don't work out. Go, no – better run towards the goal like a race car.

Find your dream job – the final step

When you've gone through the tough school of dozens of interviews and experienced the first few rejections, it's finally time to try and land a dream job. Send your resume to your favorite companies or take steps in your own business. Even if it doesn't work out right away, you already know that the stubborn and the brave are lucky.

If you have clearly set the goal of getting your dream job and have completed the previous 9 points, your wishes will surely come true.