How to make money from a hobby

How to make money from a hobby

An interesting trend: in our free time, we also work, but for our own pleasure. Someone creates culinary masterpieces in the kitchen, someone takes a trip with a camera, someone stands at the easel for hours and mixes paints. Honing these skills sometimes takes no less time than working in a profession. But unlike official work, improving a hobby not only does not give a well-deserved reward, but also condemns us to unnecessary financial expenses. It's a shame, isn't it?

Fortunately, this state of affairs is easy to change: the modern world offers many opportunities to earn money through a hobby. Consider the 7 categories of the most popular hobbies and discover how to translate moral satisfaction into material reinforcement.

1. Handmade

Handmade things have firmly established themselves in the hearts of people around the world. You won't surprise anyone with factory products now. Another thing is a unique thing, made with love and in a single copy. If you like to sew or knit, turn old rags into fun soft toys, sculpt adorable clay figures and much more, congratulations! You can earn impressive amounts s with the help of your creations.

Start with self-promotion. Create a creative group on social networks, prepare your own website with photos of work. Customers can be found among friends and in themed audiences, at craft exhibitions and in souvenir shops. If all goes well, move on. Organize an individual entrepreneur, apply for artisan status – dive into the sea of personal business!

2. Cook

Do you love and know how to cook? So you are in fashion. People cannot do without food, even if they really want to. Many people prefer to cook at home and do not give up delicious and healthy recipes. And there are many ways to start earning with the help of culinary talent. You don't have to be a great chef. Just understand the basics, explain clearly and share recipes with joy. A great start would be a YouTube cooking channel. Clean up your kitchen, buy some cute bowls and write down every step of the process.

Life hack: dishes should not only taste good, but also look good. This is the case when they are received by the most appetizing clothes to cover.

And more. If you are really passionate about cooking, invest in it to the fullest. For example, you can take an online baking course. Then open a bakery at home. What could be better than artisanal cooking?

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3. Music

Many of us were taken to hateful music schools as children. Someone under the bat, someone according to royal inclinations. But in adulthood there is no time for music. After all, you need to earn money, and with the help of a childish hobby, you will not get far. As a result, the cello collects dust in the corner. It's a shame to throw it away, but too lazy to play. Is so much time and effort wasted? No, if you really want to.

Every day, beginners look for a teacher for their classes. When the age for a music school is downright indecent, courses and tutors are used. Hiring a professional musician is a serious blow to the wallet. Especially if you just need to learn a few songs. Suggest yourself as a tutor. Of course, the price per lesson will be less than that of a violinist in the Bolshoi Theater Orchestra. But we're not chasing wages, are we?

play the piano

4. Sports

It doesn't matter if you regularly go to the gym or have been into gymnastics, karate, figure skating for many years. The main thing is that now the experience gained can be used for good. The easiest way is to blog about a healthy lifestyle. Write down how to do the exercises correctly and when is the best time to do it. Or better yet, invest a little more in yourself. For example, adding pedagogical knowledge to sports skills. So you can not only earn money from a hobby, but also change professions. For example, from an office worker to becoming a fitness instructor at a cool gym. Also, this is where the path to your own business begins. Open your gym or children's circle. Teach children to play football, organize adult salsa lessons.

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It's all up to you!

soccer ball

5. Travel

New countries, unexpected encounters, fascinating views. No wonder Ray Bradbury said that the real world is much more amazing than dreams. Traveling fascinates us, but how to make money from it? On the contrary, it is one of the most expensive hobbies. Fortunately, this is where the clue is.

Interest in travel grows every day, and people are looking for a way to visit as many places as possible. And this will be achieved thanks to economy and careful selection of attractions. To draw up a roadmap before the trip, they study as much information as available about the city. Become a source of knowledge: share experiences and photos from your personal archive. Start a blog, jot down your observations there, advise where to stop and eat. Tell me what's the best way to save money.

You can make a good profit with a popular blog.

travel fees

6. Photography

Now, every second person with a camera fancies himself a great photographer. But you know it's not so. Behind you are years of practice, courses completed, and expensive equipment. This lens is suitable for a photo of a flower, and you should take it to a concert by your favorite artist. With this lighting, you will get a good portrait. From this angle, an unusual still life will emerge. Do you recognize yourself? So feel free to win with the help of a camera. A good photographer is a welcome guest at many city events. A few charity photos can lead to the right campaign. After all, with a high quality portfolio, we will talk about high fees.

Check it out:  how to make money traveling - how to make money

Do not forget that the photos can be sold in different places. Photos are in demand not just in Internet stocks. Editorial bodies of magazines and newspapers are interested in work on current topics.

Find your niche and don't give up!

girl taking pictures

7. Drawing

Pencils, paper, inks – and let the whole world wait. Usually, behind this motto, there is a lot of experience. And, of course, the love of creativity. Creativity should not remain in the shadows. Start earning with a brush and a palette. A banal (but effective) solution is custom portraits. Love to have fun? Make funny drawings for your friends. Positive and funny works will definitely enter the net. Instagram, facebook and twitter will give excellent publicity. From there, real customers are at your fingertips.

Pay attention to what's in fashion. Let's say meditative doodle coloring pages. Many do not want to buy them in stores, but download individual photos from the Internet. Prepare a themed website and place your drawings. More than one artist has already won this. However, you don't have to follow the mainstream.

Our world is a fan of new ideas.
