How to get a job in Moscow? According to statistics, the Russian capital has the best bank of vacancies and the highest salaries. But despite the thousands of offers, choosing the right option is not very easy.
And how to find a job in Moscow that suits you in every way? Salary and bonuses, distance from home, hours. These factors mean a lot to all candidates. But you can look for a job on your own or seek help from a special recruitment agency. Each method has its own characteristics and advantages.
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Independent search for a suitable position
To get your dream job without outside help, it's important to know where to start. Search for job information from the following sources:
- Advertisements in newspapers;
- specialized websites;
- employment centers;
- Company websites;
One of the most popular ways to find a job in Moscow through an advertisement is to buy a newspaper. Because there the vacancies are divided into separate categories to facilitate the search. Here are the employer's contact details. But there is a caveat: in the print media, most of the time, they publish ads to search for unskilled employees. Therefore, most often there are porters, couriers, construction workers. It is these experts who will easily find suitable offers.
But newspapers also have a summary section. If you post information about yourself and leave a phone number, the employer may call themselves. It is true that against the background of hundreds of identical ads, it is difficult to stand out and attract attention.
Internet as main assistant
They often look for jobs online. And this method has many advantages:
- possibility of remote search;
- a wide variety of vacancies;
- detailed list of requirements for candidates.
The most popular search engines are:, SuperJob, HeadHunter. A detailed description of the proposed position and requirements for applicants acts as a filter. Because a potential employee immediately highlights the pros and cons.
And if the offer is of interest to you, you can apply for a job by submitting a resume. Even university graduates interested in, how to find a good job in Moscow without experience, they can go to the site and evaluate a wide variety of offers.
Important point: if the position involves any kind of early stage investment, this is most likely a scam! A serious employer never requires candidates to transfer money or buy materials for employment.
Job exchange job fairs
Job centers provide assistance in finding a job. But you can only register at the registration site. Therefore, in Moscow, only people with a permanent residence permit in the city can use this right.
Those who are not registered in the capital can use the services of the labor exchange indirectly. Job centers periodically hold specialized job fairs. But event information is often placed in open sources.
So you can just come to a trade show and see which companies are looking for employees. It is advisable to have several hard copies of your resume with you. To, if possible, leave them with a potential employer. This way of looking for a job is popular with students and graduates.
Read too: The most in demand professions in Russia in 2022
A bold step towards your dream job
Some candidates prefer to be proactive. So they make a list of organizations they would like to work for. They send resumes to the HR department.
But the chances of a positive result are not very high. Because not all organizations usually have open positions. But this method has an advantage. If the specialist is really good, experienced and competent, he is invited for an interview. Because no company will refuse a true professional in the state.
Also, a resume will be on hand with an employee in the personnel department if one of the employees suddenly resigns. Therefore, it is important that the questionnaire contains “captivating” information. This will help you select one candidate from dozens of others.
Help from recruitment agencies
The services of recruitment agencies are paid. Its role is to help the employer and candidate meet. It's easier for the employer. That's why serious organizations often apply here.
Based on the requirements, candidates are selected from the existing database and invited for an interview. Therefore, contacting a recruitment agency is one of the most popular options for finding a job in Moscow.. Customer reviews will give you an idea about the company and understand how many job seekers the agency has been able to help.
Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to provide as much information about yourself as possible. And references from previous employers would be an advantage. But in some cases, a certificate of absence from a criminal record may even be required. Everything is so strict with the selection.
Personal knowledge – a direct path to a good position?
For many candidates, getting a job through acquaintances is the most preferable way. Save energy, time, money. The employer immediately receives recommendations about the candidate and the potential employee gets detailed information about the company.
However, this method is not without its drawbacks. Having gotten a job, a new employee finds himself in a position dependent on who helped him into the organization. In addition, peer prejudice is not ruled out. And, of course, if you perform your duties in bad faith and make mistakes, you could disappoint the person who vouched for you. It is to him that the manager will make complaints and show dissatisfaction with the new employee.
The right time to search
It is believed that there is a crisis in the labor market: there are few vacancies, the level of salaries has decreased and the requirements for candidates, on the contrary, have increased. But if the need to find a job is acute, you shouldn't put off and wait for better times. A well-written resume, perseverance and self-confidence will help you choose the best option. In Moscow, you can always find a job, regardless of experience and education.
And that's all. Write in the comments if you want to find a job in Moscow. AND Subscribe to our newsletterso as not to miss useful content.
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